Spring Family Photos at Raleigh Rose Garden with Kara & Brian

Kara & Brian previously eloped at Fred Fletcher Park, and I had the honor of being able to witness their intimate ceremony. It was a welcome surprise when they reached out in hopes to grab a few family portraits with their sweet girl.

Whenever past clients reach out to me for more services, it’s always such a wonderful way to catch up and see where life has taken them. Because at the end of the day, they always become more friends than clients. I love hearing about their newest additions, hearing where their careers have taken them, and just being the person they enjoyed working with so much so that they reach out again. Photography is not only art but a form of connection, and I love all the connections I’ve been able to make with people all over North Carolina and beyond.

But, to bring this all back home, this year Spring Photos were taken at the Raleigh Rose Garden. The spring flowers were a beautiful background and the lighting was more than perfect to frame these special new memories. And right below, you’ll see the breathtaking results.

Three Region Photography is a premiere wedding photographer serving the raleigh, durham, CHapel Hill AREA