Molly & Dan - In-Home Wedding & Downtown Raleigh Elopement

I know that eloping is all the rage right now, especially because it’s easy, convenient, and cheaper than traditional weddings but have you ever said to yourself “why don’t we just get married right now, in our kitchen, with our cat?”

This is the conversation Molly and Dan had when contemplating their Raleigh Wedding and decided that it was time, pandemic be damned. Molly is a creative director and food stylist who reached out via Instagram for me to capture her nuptials. These transplants just bought a new townhouse in Downtown Raleigh and knew they wanted to share vows with each other at the table they eat breakfast at everyday, with their cat. They even shared silicone rings that they chose in the moment which I thought was adorable. After signing the paperwork we took a stroll downtown, a nighttime ritual for these two as we captured their true relationship in its most simple and purest form. I absolutely loved capturing this downtown raleigh elopement and I hope that they inspire more people to just say fuck it, and get married whenever and wherever they feel most comfortable.